Eight • Rhode Island Family Photographer
Dear Aiden,
Today you are eight years old. I'm not sure why that number sounds so big to me! Maybe because 8 looks like infinity turned on its side, or maybe because it's only two years older than 10, or maybe because it seems like you were a toddler just yesterday. Probably all of the above.
I remember exactly where I was when I found out I was going to be an Aunt. I remember how happy your Daddy was to tell me! I remember when I found out you were going to be a boy, and of course I remember where I was when Gram called me to tell me that you were here. I won't embarrass you with too many photos but needless to say you looked like a small and slightly angry version of your Daddy when you made your appearance. Hey, it's cold here on the outside.
I've got so many photos of you. (Everything from birth to age 3 is on a WHOLE other hard drive and is a whole other blog post!) You've been very patient with me over the years. You've suffered with me through the bad editing days and those times when I could not understand why my digital camera just did not behave like those film cameras. You put up with your stalker aunt, with the occasional eye roll. I'm so glad I've taken all these photos and can look back at the millisecond it's taken you to get where you are. Photos are so important.
Let's take a little trip down memory lane and see how you've grown up and my photo skills have grown right along with you.
Remember the fair?
Or how you always liked to sit at the head of the table at Gram and Papa's!
Remember how much you loved Bluesy? I loved him, too.
By the time you reached 4, and especially 5, you took to hiding in boxes to avoid me. My stalking skills were getting a little better, as was my photo editing.
This was a good day. You were very willing to show me your cracker. There is a great debate amongst our family on Cheez Its vs. Cheese Nips. Your Daddy loves the Cheese Nips.
Look how big you're getting! You were just a little dude laying on the dressing table and now you're dressing up like a doctor.
Pretty sure this photo cost me at least 50 cents.
Remember this day? It was Daddy's birthday and he and Chels went to see a show. I came over to watch you and remember how loud the people outside were? You told them to be quiet! I love this photo so very much.
You are such an imaginative, thoughtful, and sensitive little dude and I'm so proud of you for having your own unique personality. I'm really lucky to know you.
You definitely know how to make the best of your aunt's Dollar Store stash that she keeps in the back of her car, no?
I'm so happy you've let me follow you for 8 years and grow with you. But much more important, I'm so proud of the person you are becoming. You are the best little (big) boy ever. Thank you so much for making me an auntie.
Love, xoxox
Auntie Amy