Little man • Wakefield RI child photographer

I've known this little man since before he was born.  I have known his daddy since before he was born.  I remember where I was when I found out I was going to be an aunt.  I remember where I was when I found out he was going to be a boy, and where I was when he was born.  He was a tiny baby and then a bigger baby and a toddler and a preschooler and now he's a whole first grader who can spell stuff and tell jokes.  He is long and thin and has enviable eyelashes and he has a style unlike any person I know which contributes towards making him pretty much the most awesome person I know.  After a long period of avoiding the camera, he has been allowing me to take his photo again for very short periods of time (although I think I owe him a few dollars...).  So if he gives me a minute or two where he lets me take his photo, I take it.  He is my favorite nephew (and for all those concerned...he's my only nephew, so it's all good.)