Project Light: February II • Rhode Island Family Photographer

So far I've done two months of my 2016 personal project, Project Light (and I'm almost a week into my third month.)  I am LOVING this project!  In only two months there has been so much I've learned and everywhere I look there is amazing light to look at in a new way.  I've found so many new locations to use for outdoor shoots as a Rhode Island Family Photographer!

February's theme was radiant light, and this set of photos is from the second half of February.  It includes various scenes from the Wakefield/Peace Dale area; a trip to Rome Point in North Kingstown; a visit to my parents' house in Richmond, and a trip to my favorite grocery store, Belmont Market.  You know, land of the best avocados and fresh ground almond butter and everything else.  Just like in January and the first half of February, I used my Lensbaby a ton.  I'm so loving it!

My very last photo of February was featured on Erin Hensley's blog; she is the wonderful photographer who chooses the monthly light themes for the group that has inspired my project this year.  It was an honor to be included with so many other amazing photos.

To see the second half of February, look below.  How was your February?  Let me know in the comments!

Southern RI family photographer

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