February Vacation Nature Walk • Narragansett RI Children's Photographer

It's still winter here in Rhode Island, but after a few snowstorms, we're experiencing some warmer weather that looks like it's going to continue for the next week or so.

This relative warmth is just in time for when most local schools are out on February vacation, and this means that it's a great time for you and your children to get outside.  There are lots of places all around the South County area that are great for hikes, walks, and exploring...as a RI children's photographer, I sometimes use these locations for shooting...they perform double duty!

One local spot that is great for a short hike is Whale Rock Preserve in Narragansett.  It's relatively short, and it's an pretty easy trail, so you don't have to be a pro hiker to tackle it, and even the smaller set can try it out.

I went there myself on a recent afternoon and have a few more details on this pretty spot.  Take a look at this wonderful local site and see if you'd like to put it on your to do list for vacation week (or anytime!)  Do you have any other favorite local sites to hike with your family?  Let me know in the comments!

Whale Rock Preserve is run by the Nature Conservancy.  It's located on Old Boston Neck Rd. in Narragansett, just north of the Sprague Bridge.  There's a parking area right off the road.  Tip:  wear snow boots or good hiking boots for your walk.  There is still a bit of snow and mud on the path.   

You'll walk down a path by a private home and past a field, and then the trail begins.  The trail is well marked and easy to follow, but in case you aren't sure, there are trail signs just like the above to keep you on the right track.

If you've been to Whale Rock Preserve in summer, you know that it's lush and green with many leaves and ferns.  Even though it looks different in winter, there is still plenty of beauty to see.

After a short walk through the woods (mostly on raised wooden platforms), you will round a corner near the north side of Camp Cronin and you will see the ocean!  Walk just a little bit more and you will be on a beach that is part rocky and part sandy.  You have sweeping views:  look north to see the Newport Bridge and some really nice homes lining the bay.  Beavertail and Jamestown are directly across the bay.  Look south to see more of Narragansett.

If you have some binoculars, bring them with you to get a close-up view of Beavertail or to check to see if there are any cormorants on Whale Rock.  Did you know that hump is the foundation of a lighthouse that was destroyed in the 1938 hurricane?  The birds really like it there now!

Enjoy your February vacation and all the adventures it brings you!

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