Three-Igredient DIY Healing Salve • RI Children's Photographer
Let's face it, no matter how careful you are, no matter how careful your kids are, accidents happen. Skinned knees, little cuts, bug bites, that time that the curling iron got ornery and burned you (yes, it's happened to me, too).
It's never pleasant (and often painful) when these things happen, but there's an easy DIY salve that you can make with three ingredients that you probably already have in your home. It's soothing, helps the ouch stop, and helps whatever's ailing you heal a little faster.
I can vouch that this works really well. I used most recently on a painful accidental burn from my wood stove that's on the palm of my hand. As a RI children's photographer, my hands are pretty vital to my work, so I can't have them out of commission! This salve was a lifesaver for me.
So how's it made?
You'll need three ingredients:
- Olive oil
- Honey (I always use local honey, and I think it makes a big difference! I generally get my honey at either Belmont Market in Wakefield or at a local farmer's market.)
- Lavender essential oil
And make sure you have a glass jar to put it in!
Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 4 tablespoons of honey, and 20 drops of lavender oil to the jar. (Pro tip: add the olive oil first; it will coat your tablespoon and the honey will just slide right off.) Use a spoon to mix your concoction until it's blended. Apply liberally to whatever's ailing you. It is slightly sticky/gooey (picture antibacterial ointment, but a bit more watery), so be sure to cover with a Band-Aid or some gauze. This makes enough for a number of uses, so when you're done, cover the jar and store. You may have to do a little mixing the next time you use it if the honey and oil have separated, but a few twirls with a spoon and you'll be good to go.
Do you have any good home remedies? Let me know in the comments!