Dear Lemmy: A Letter To My Dog • RI Family Photographer

Dear Lemmy,

One year ago today I picked you up at the Animal Rescue League and brought you to your home with us. You were small and a little nervous. You sat on my lap the whole way home and for a long time, that is how you tried to sit when anyone was driving. We had to teach you to sit in your own seat. You were small. You had a lot to learn. So did I.

In case you didn’t realize it, I’m a cat person. Your furry feline brother Lionel has been my #1 for quite some time. He’s fluffy, funny, and quite independent and self-sufficient. I thought you might be like him, only a little bigger.


Quite the opposite.

You have not been the easiest little guy. You broke out of your first crate. It scared you to death (fortunately you like them now). I spent $1500 on trainers, finally finding one who could help you, and us, deal with behaviors that likely stem from being abandoned with your brothers as a tiny puppy. I spent another $2500 (not reimbursed by your puppy insurance, I may add) to find out that nobody can really narrow down why you’ve been coughing and snotty since a week after I got you, but you do seem to have some strange autoimmune illness. You spent part of the summer spiking fevers and acting pathetic. Sometimes I’ve really wanted to pull my hair out.

But along the way you’ve become my faithful friend. We found out you like snow. So much! You like to run in it and especially roll in it!

Last summer, when a stress fracture in my hip put me on crutches for almost the whole summer, you were by my side as we went on adventures to places that were crutch friendly. You like swimming, but only in the pond. The ocean scares you.

You walk really well off leash, always staying ahead of me, but you’ll frequently turn around and make sure I’m still coming. “Come on, mama!”

Slowly but surely, you’ve gotten better at posing for photos. You used to just run towards me and lick my face. You still do that a lot. But you seem to realize that you’re pretty good looking and you should stand still for a split second so that I can take your photo. Never in my career as a RI family photographer have I had to be more patient with any other subject besides you, my own dog.

You’ve developed a love for sitting right in front of the wood stove when it’s on. Sometimes you even sit up on the hearth, right next to it. I can’t say I blame you…I love that wood stove, too.

The most important thing I’ve learned about you, though (and from you) is your capacity for love and loyalty and happiness. You are always so excited to do even the smallest of things. Going outside is a major cause for celebration. Getting a treat is amazing! Going for a ride is the best thing EVER! When I come home, you’re always so happy to see me, whether I’ve been gone 15 minutes or much of the day. You try really hard. You want so badly to learn new things and please those around you. You haven’t quite stopped looking for napkins to steal and chew apart, but that’s ok.

Thank you for reminding me to always try to be positive, happy, and loving. I wish more of the world was like you, Lemmy. You’re a good boy.

Love, Mama.

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