The New Normal | RI Family Photographer

Go back in time 90 days. If you had told me, or probably almost anyone, that we would be where we are now, I may have had a hard time believing you. Even two weeks ago, the exact gravity of the situation we are in now was not yet upon us.

Yet here we are, doing our best to stay at home, avoid others, scared to go to the grocery store, trying to avoid a virus that moves swiftly and seems terrifying. This situation is something that none of us have ever experienced and most of us probably thought (if we thought about it at all) was something that would only happen in a science fiction movie or some Netflix series. Except this is real life.

It is completely new for many of us to work from home (the transition has been easier for those who already do). It is scary for those of us who still need to go into work. How do we teach our children? What can we do with all this free time? What is the best way to get groceries and necessities? My job doesn’t actually exist currently, how can I make ends meet? These are just a few of the thoughts that run through our minds on a daily basis. It’s easy to be totally overwhelmed and very anxious.

It’s overwhelming and it can be really hard to not lose our minds right now. So what are some things that you can do in order to try to maintain a sense of calm and normalcy?

  • Remember that every morning, the sun still rises and at night it still sets. That’s a constant.

  • Work on art projects or a craft. Something you’re good at, or something you’ve never done before. There are tons of free streaming lessons on painting, drawing, and more.

  • Pet your dog or cat. This is proven to reduce stress.

  • Read

  • Get moving. Exercise is good for everyone and it increases your sense of well being.

  • Binge watch a show on Netflix, Hulu, or Prime. Binge watch a few shows.

  • Reorganize your closet.

  • Document your days.

  • Stay connected. Just because you can’t physically be with friends and family doesn’t mean you can’t talk to them. Technology allows us many ways to stay connected: FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, and more. Or just pick up the phone and call someone.

  • Dance

  • Organize your shoes by color

  • Try some new recipes

  • Clean. A lot.

  • Breathe.

It will be ok.