Four Tips For Managing High School Stress • Rhode Island Senior Photographer

If you're a high school senior right now, you've got a lot to balance.  Really challenging classes, any number of extracurricular activities, and your friends and family.  There's a lot to juggle and handle.  You want to take advantage of being young and use all that time to have fun, but you also want to do well in school and lay a solid foundation for Future You.  It's a lot to handle, right?  Sometimes you probably feel like just taking a really long nap.  

Fortunately, today we've got four tips on how to handle everything that high school throws at, family, activities, and everything else....from two ladies who have firsthand experience with all of this.  Today's tips come from Dayle (a class of 2014 South Kingstown graduate, whom you may remember gave some great tips a few weeks ago on how to be successful in college) and Alice (currently a junior at North Kingstown high school).  I'm so grateful for the wisdom, insight, and humor that these ladies have provided on how to manage high school in Rhode Island (or anywhere).  Whenever I see Dayle and Alice, we never fail to have fun together, and our recent evening shoot in East Matunuck, RI was no exception.  

Want to know what their tips are?   See below for the tips and some photos from our shoot.

Amy Kristin Photography Rhode Island Senior Photographer

Tip 1 (from Dayle) If your friends are true friends they will understand when life gets crazy. Not only should they understand this but they should also encourage you to be the best version of yourself that you can be in all aspects of life such as school and activities, instead of getting on your case for not being able to hang out. So I guess the tip is MAKE TRUE FRIENDS.

Amy Kristin Photography Rhode Island Senior Photographer
Amy Kristin Photography Rhode Island Senior Photographer

Tip 2 (From Alice)  I am new to the coffee world, and it completely changed my life. I can focus in school and be awake, even though I running on 5 hours of sleep.  (Alice:  remind me to bring you coffee from Puerto Rico.  Also, I love coffee, too.  It is amazing!)

Amy Kristin Photography Rhode Island Senior Photographer

Tip 3 (from Dayle) School was always really hard for me growing up, I didn't want to do math problems for hours, I just wanted to go to dance class. But you have to remind yourself that even though it isn't your favorite thing, you still have to do it. So get all your homework done as soon as you get home and try your best to always participate in class. Make sure your teachers see that you care about being successful, and maybe they will help you out a little more then they would if you didn't really care.

Amy Kristin Photography Rhode Island Senior Photographer

Tip 4 (from Alice) Ask your friends at dance (or any other extracurricular activity) to help you with your homework. On 15 minute lunch breaks I typically have about 10 people trying to figure out one math problem. And then we can joke about how off we were the next day.  

Thanks to both Dayle and Alice for giving these tips and for being awesome.  Do you have a tip for surviving high school stress?  If so, leave it in the comments!  And if you'd like to book me for a senior shoot, I'd love to meet on the contact link above.

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