Get In The Photo, Mama! • RI Family Photographer
"I look horrible in photos." "Maybe after I lose the baby weight." "Ugh, I look so tired, I can't be in photos." "My skin is horrible." "I look so old!"
Those aren't very positive words, are they? As a RI family photographer, I've heard these refrains over and over from countless beautiful women. Whether in regards to professional photos or an iPhone snap with the family, there are so many women who just don't like their photo being taken. I get it...I'm one of those people.
And so is my mom. She is not a fan of getting her photo taken. At all. It's possible she has run from my camera. Some of the self-deprecating excuses above are hers.
Let me tell you something, moms. New moms. Moms of grown kids. Moms of grade school kids. Pregnant mamas.
Your kids don't see any of what you see. They don't see those flaws that you pick apart and use as reasons not to be in photos. They just see their mom. The woman who has taken care of them and loved them all of their life.
One of my favorite things to do is look at all the photos of my family from when I was growing up. Fortunately my mom isn't a complete camera avoider, and she shows up in some of the photos. I love seeing her (and my father!) in these photos. A lot of time has passed, but those happy memories are still there, easy to look at.
While it's not something any of us like to think about, there will come a time when we aren't here any longer. Photos will be all your loved ones have to remember you by...that is, if there are photos of you.
My mom in a photo of my younger days, back when she had "only" three kids!
Mom showing off her skill at handling a skeptical toddler and an even more skeptical baby.
That is why it is so important for you to GET IN THE PHOTO. (That means you, too, Mommy.) Your children and loved ones want to look at photos of YOU. They want to see those happy times with you there. Whether it's your toddler looking at photos of you right after she was born, or your grandchildren looking at family photos a long time from now.
We want you in those photos.
We want your squishy bellies, your tired eyes, your gray hair, your wrinkles, that extra weight you don't care for. We love you just the way you are. Now get in the photo.